HI bloggers,

I am in petras reading group. This week, All the story was about famous people but differnt people then last week. The famous people were Anna Frank ( War Nazis) , Amelia Earhart ( first person to fly a plane ), Thomas Edison ( light bolb inventer), Graham Alexander Bell ( bell inventer ), Walt disney ( invented micky mouse ) Martin Luther King JR.I chose the book called Anna frank It was really sad, It was about the Nazis attacking the Jewish people. And then Anna Frank and her family made a secret hideout spot But unfortunatly the Nazis found them and they went to the campground. Her father survived but Anna frank, her sister and her mom died because they got sick and got disease. I liked the story because I love history storyies It was. My favourite part was the secret hiding space. The create tasks were different than last time. In create task 1 we needed to make a goggle doc and fill out the boxes of question like Famous quote, childhood, place of birth, date of birth, fullname, major accomplishments, Key life events, and famous for.

Description: It was really fun I like it:

Here is my final work :

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