Summer learning journy WK10T4

Hi bloggers,

It is the last week of school! Anyways, In Summer learning journy this week we are actually doing it and last week we were practising for this week. Each day the summer learning activitie always come out a new activitie. My summer learning activitie was making a comic strip. The comic strip needed to be about the beach but  you can do whatever you want at the beach. First we needed to listen one video then we needed to copy a template and work on the strip. If you got stuck you can watch the video it is about how to make a pixton and how you do it. My pixton was about a kid with her dad at the beach and they get taco for lunch but then a seagull comes and snatch the taco but the dad snatch it off and the kid get her taco at the end.

Here is my final work: