Swimming work WK9 T4

Hi bloggers,

this  week we are swimming agein aswell so the create task was reading, writing, summer learning journy, and maths. We needed to finish 3 create task for a week, My create task choice was writing at the 1 create task and then my 2 create is reading I didnt work on my 3 create task but after this I will. In reading it was about fish and chips. First we needed to make a copy of a slide and then we needed to read a sheet, fill out the questions like what are fish and chips usually wrapped in, why do you think fish and chips shops offer more than just fish and fish and chips now, and in the early 1970s, what led to the decline in the popularity of fidh and chips,  then we needed to go to canva and make a poster then we needed to upload it to the slide, and the final thing was we needed to write if you agree with the statement nd if you dont agree with the statement and some of the questions.


Here is my final work:

Reading Wk7 T4

WALT: show a develop1ing understanding of ideas across text.

Hello bloggers,

In reading I chose the book called look listen swim, It is about 3 kids who learnt how to swim with there papa there papa teaches them. First they stretch their arms on the concrete. Then one of the kids say why are we not practicing in the water and then papa says because you need to learn how to swim first and then you can go in the water. Later on that day they finally practice. Then the kids finally learn how to swim now. In create task 1 we needed to do the same create task as last week summerising the journal that you had pick. In create task 2 we needed to record ourself in the canva video after we record ourself we needed to check if it sound fluently and using expression and punctuation. In create rask 3 we needed to make a pixton we needed to chose 3 water safty rules showing sombody breaking the rules. We had a choice that if you want to do the river rule, the beach rule and the swimmming pool rule.

Sorry I didnt quite finish the pixton so if I do finish the pixton I will promiss that I will update it.

description: It was really fun I like summerising and the canva video was fun aswell.

Here is my summary:

Here is my Canva video:


Reading week 6 Term 4

WALT: show a developing understanding of ideas across the text

Hi bloggers,

In reading I chose the book called Hero it was about a teenager who went to fishing with his friends but then a kid calls that he needs help, the teenager sees somthing in the ocean first he thought it was a dog but then he relized that it was a kid!! so he puts his, socks, shoes of and  then he jumps in the water  and then he got the kid and they found a rescue boat so they climbed in the boat. Then when they went to the floor there was reporters and cameras around him he got famous and got a medal. Then end. In create task 1 was summeriseing the journal that you had picked.

Description: It was really fun summerising my journal. Here is my final work

Reading week 2 term 4

WALT: identify the main ideas in a text.

Hi bloggers,

In reading I chose the book called just to be safe it is about a grand daughter and a grandma they go to camp together. The grand daughter wanted to ride a flying fox but the grandma said no so they ate dinner. They went to sleep they had there own tent because the grand daughter wanted to sleep by her self. They went to sleep but then the grand daughter heard a noise she got freaked out so she went to grandmas tent and telled what she heard and then grandma said there might be possums out there they migh be hungry so they sleep  in the tent togehter. In create task one we needed to do the same create task as week one we needed to copy a goggle doc and summerrise the journal ( just to be safe), scaffolding text, complementry text and the challenge text. In create task 2 we needed to copy a slide and save it to our reading folder and we needed to imagine that we are going to camp for three days we needed to fill out the slides like the weather, what shops are nearby, how will you get their and how long it will take, what are going with, what cloths would you bring, what food will you bring, equipment e.g tent, games and entertainment, what will you do in day one and two and three, and five safety tips

Description: It was really easy because we did the same create task as last week I enjoyed it.

Here is my final work:

Reading week 1 term 4

WALT: identify the main ideas in a text.

Hi bloggers,

In reading our  book choices were about camp. I chosed the book called camping holiday it was about camping. The main characters were dad, mum, sister ( older), brother ( youger ) they were going to camping so they packed all there bags and then the brother asked if we can bring a tv but dad said no and then mum says no devices we are only going to relax, then they dont take the tv and put all the bags in the car they bring there dog aswell. They finally drives and past cows, sheeps and chicken they finally arrives and get all the stuff out of the car and dad says we need to walk up to that mountain because that is our camping site. And then after a few minutes they notice thet they didnt bring the tent so the put all the stuff in the car again and go home dad says we can camp outside here in the backyard and  we can barbeque sausage outside. Mum says yes but then the kids go in the house and say after we watch tv that was the end. In create task 1 we needed to the scaffolding text, challenge text, complementry text and the journal we need to write 2-3 sentences in a goggle doc. In create task 2 we needed to copy a slide and save it to our reading folder and we needed to imagine that we are going to camp for three days we needed to fill out the slides like the weather, what shops are nearby, how will you get their and how long it will take, what are going with, what cloths would you bring, what food will you bring, equipment e.g tent, games and entertainment, what will you d in day one and two and three, and five safety tip.

Description: it was really fun I really like summerising stories. It was really fun working one the slides I enjoyed it.

Reading Week 10 term 3

WALT: relate ideas to our own experiences and the wider world.

Hi bloggers,

In reading I chose the book called The secret pizza party it is about a raccoon who loved pizza but hes owner eat pizzas all day but he is not alowed to eat pizza. So he decieded to do a secret pizza party he went to a pizza shop and stoled some pizza the owners we chasing him but the raccoon was to fast so the owners gived up he went to his room and had his pizza but then he heard music he looked out the window and sawed that the other people were doing a pizza party aswell. So he decided to join them he stoled all of his favourte pizza it was chessy tomato-ey pizza. All the people chased him but he was to fast he went to his home and ate all the pizza by his own. In create task one we needed to interveiw the main character we got to write five questions about the main characeterin we needed to write it in our book or in a goggle doc about the main characeter we got to be creative as we like but it needed to be connected to the main story. I chose to write it in my book. We needed to record our self in canva video. We got to do it with a buddy if we like I wanted to do it with a buddy so my buddy was Ivan Also we got to record ourself outside. We got to chose if we were the reporter or the main character Ivan was the main character and I was the reporter.

Description: It was really fun I enjoyed it. It was really fun because we made a canva video and we record our self with a buddy.

Here is my final record work with my buddy:



Reading Week 9 Term 3

WALT: Relate ideas to our own experiences and the wider world.

Hi bloggers,

In reading today I chose the book called Romeow and Drooliet It was about a cat( Drooliet) who found a dog( Romeow) and married the dog. But one day they were fighting with the villan but then a officer camed and taked Romeow Drooliet ran fast as she could and then she crossed the road but she didnt see she just went and then it was Silence everybody was derpressed the car had bumped to Drooliet. In create task 1 we needed to find a villan in any book that you know and then we needed to summerise the story but add the villan that you chose in the book. We needed to rewrite the story in our book or write it in the google doc.

Here is my final google doc work:

Reading Week 8 Term 3

WALT: evaluate ideas and information in a narritive text.

In reading I chose the book called the evil drinking fountain. It was about a school who had a evil drinking fountain and childrens who drank it they get a problem and then a new girl comes called oklahoma her dad needs a job her dad be’s are cameraman at school he sneakly drink water from the evil fountain. The childrens look at him and he gets confused after that a tournado cames they check the security camera and finds out that the fountain is evil. For an example one was about a Teacher who drank water from the fountain but then later she nearly cut her finger by a paper cutter. In create task 1 we needed to do the same create task as week 7 create task so we needed to do a story mapping boxes filling out the questions we needed to add Begining, who are the main characters, how are the characters feeling, middle, how does the story hint at the problem, how are the characters, problem, solution, ending and does it end happy is there a twist to the plot. We had two create task one all the create task was same as last week so we needed to write a paraghraph. We needed to write a new solution or ending. In create task 2 we got to interview the main character we needed to add five questions and we can do it creative as we like but it needs to be connected to your story.

I hope you enjoyed it,

Description: it was really fun I enjoyed it. I was confident because we did the same create task as last week. It was really easy because I alreading tryed it.


Here is my final work ( create task one and  two:

Reading Week 7 Term 3

WALT: Evaluate ideas and information in a narritive text.

Hello Bloggers,

In reading I chose the book called Caterpillars. It was about a kid and a adult who  loved butterflies they always go outside and look at the garden but one day a butterfly laid eggs and then the eggs hatched but one morning one of the eggs died but the other one survived. In create task 1 we needed to do a story mapping boxes we needed to answer the Questions about the beggining, Middle, problem, solution, ending, main characters and how are the characters feeling. We had two create task 1 so the other one was writing your own solution or ending paragragh story. In  create task 2 was interveiwig the main characters we needed to tell 5 questions to the main characters we got to make it interesting as we can.

Description: It was really fun It was easy.

Here is my final Works:



Reading Week 6 Term 3

WALT: Recognise the featuresof some common text types.

Hi bloggers,

In Reading I chose the book called the builders pet It was about a kitten who got lost and then finding  a new owner. In create task 1 we needed to do a story map we needed to add the main characters, supporting characters, were and when, solution, problem and the middle. We had two create task 1 so the other one was using pixton retelling the story.

It was very fun making pixton. It was easy.

Here is my final work:

In create task 2 we needed to do a story capture. We needed to do a plan we needed to add characters, setting, solution and the problem. Then in slide 3 we needed to write our own story. We needed to make up our own problem and the solution.

It was easy it was really fun.

Here is my final work: