Cybersmart W7 T4

Hello bloggers,

In cybersmart we needed to do escape rooms we had a choice if you wanted to do a among us, Mincraft, inside out escape room, personalised escape room, trolls math escape room, peter pan escape room, and finding nemo escape room. I chosed among us. First we needed to make a copy of the slides that you wanted then we needed to fill out the boxes with questions. Secoundly we needed to put the sound when you get wrong or right, my sound was clapping for right and aww for wrong. When we tryed it first it didnt work but then we keeped trying it did worked.

Description: it was hard lots of work but fun.

Here is my among us work:

Cybersmart My blackout poem Week 10 term 3

Hi bloggers,

In cybersmart we were making a blackout poem we needed to do it in our google doc Miss Tyler gave intructions how to make a own blackout poem. First we needed to follow the steps In our first step we needed to go to our drive then we got to go to google doc and then we needed to go to the cybersmart site and we got to chose storybooks online, original stories for kids and kea kids news. We needed to click one of them and control c one of the story poems and control shift v it to the google doc control shift v means pacing it but only the words not the backround. Then we needed to highlight some of the words in white then the final step was making the page black. That is how you make a blackout poem.

Description: I learned about what it control shift v is and I also learnt about how to make a blackout poem. It was really fun I enjoyed it.

Here is my final work: