WALT: summarise information by identifying key ideas in a text.

Hi bloggers,

this week we are doing swimming lessons in the new king swim. We are having create task because I am group six so I needed to do the create task at the morning then after morning tea we needed to ride the bus and do swimming lesson. It was really fun. The water was kind of cold. There was 7 create tasks, There was, Reading, writing, math, cybersmart, PB4L, sport for year 5 and 6 ( for the winter sport for term 2), and art. We needed to finish reading, writing and math was must dos we needed to do a least  three then the  the other ones was just fast finishers . This weeks reading was about anzac day war. For my first create task I  decieded to do reading first. We needed to chose a book about anzac day, My book tittle was FIRST WORLD WAR MASCOT  it was about mascots ( animals ) also it was about a war, who soilders had mascots at the war and how animals helped them and supported them and how soilders loved them. I had finished create task one so I am bogging create task two. In create task two we needed to make a goggle doc and put ten facts about anzac day. Then we needed to put the ten facts on canva putting the facts on a poster or a sideshow I chose poster. I added the backround and pictures and some pictures at the end.

Descripton: It was really fun but next time I want to do a sideshow so I can add the music.

Here is my final canva work:

( I got some trouble of putting the canva to the blog so I decieded to screenshot it)

One thought on “Reading swimming WK8 T1

  1. Hi Abby, this is Kylie(Z) if you need help blogging a video or a slideshow I can help you.And great information!Great job again.

    -Kylie Z

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