WALT: Evaluate ideas and information in a narritive text.

Hello Bloggers,

In reading I chose the book called Caterpillars. It was about a kid and a adult who  loved butterflies they always go outside and look at the garden but one day a butterfly laid eggs and then the eggs hatched but one morning one of the eggs died but the other one survived. In create task 1 we needed to do a story mapping boxes we needed to answer the Questions about the beggining, Middle, problem, solution, ending, main characters and how are the characters feeling. We had two create task 1 so the other one was writing your own solution or ending paragragh story. In  create task 2 was interveiwig the main characters we needed to tell 5 questions to the main characters we got to make it interesting as we can.

Description: It was really fun It was easy.

Here is my final Works:



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