WALT: share thoughts, feelings and ideas with clarity.

Hi bloggers,

Today we did the problem about Where The wid things.We were  learning speachmarks are we needed to chose what problem we wanted to do the  problem 1 was Max was mischeivous and so his mother sent him to his bedroom. Problem 2 was when he went to the place where the wild things are, he became lonely and dreamt home. I chose problem one. First we needed to do a plan from our book saying what would they say in a conversation then we needed to write a conversation in our book. We were learning speachmarks

Here is my conversation work:

” Hey, Who are you? “said the wild things staring at Max.

” Hey, Who are you? “said the wild things staring at Max.

” Oh hi, I am Max. I came here because I got sent off to my bedroom and I also wanted to find somebody who loved me,” said Max.

” You look small and don’t  look like a Wild things,” said the wild things. 

“ PLEASE can I stay,” Said Max. 

“ Okay but only one day,” Said the wild things.

“YAYYY,” Said Max. 

“ Do you want to be the King for one day?”, Said the Wild Things.

“Yes, “ Said Max. 


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