WALT: summarise text; including sequence of main ideas.

Hi bloggers,

In reading I chose the book called the stowaway this story was about a cat that was chasing a mouse and then the mouse went to the container and then the cat went to the container aswell and then the cat whent missing and at the end they find there owner. In creat task 1 we needed  to copy a slide and identify the problem in our narritive story. We needed to fill out each boxes like what was the problem, solution, the steps of the solution, and would you solve the same way. I said no because if I was the owner I should straight away call the police. And create task 2 was creating a popplet using information from your complementary, scaffolding and challenge text. and we needed to include the problem and the solution.

it was really fun. It was easy.

Here is my final work:



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