Reading Week 7 Term 3

WALT: Evaluate ideas and information in a narritive text.

Hello Bloggers,

In reading I chose the book called Caterpillars. It was about a kid and a adult who  loved butterflies they always go outside and look at the garden but one day a butterfly laid eggs and then the eggs hatched but one morning one of the eggs died but the other one survived. In create task 1 we needed to do a story mapping boxes we needed to answer the Questions about the beggining, Middle, problem, solution, ending, main characters and how are the characters feeling. We had two create task 1 so the other one was writing your own solution or ending paragragh story. In  create task 2 was interveiwig the main characters we needed to tell 5 questions to the main characters we got to make it interesting as we can.

Description: It was really fun It was easy.

Here is my final Works:



Reading Week 6 Term 3

WALT: Recognise the featuresof some common text types.

Hi bloggers,

In Reading I chose the book called the builders pet It was about a kitten who got lost and then finding  a new owner. In create task 1 we needed to do a story map we needed to add the main characters, supporting characters, were and when, solution, problem and the middle. We had two create task 1 so the other one was using pixton retelling the story.

It was very fun making pixton. It was easy.

Here is my final work:

In create task 2 we needed to do a story capture. We needed to do a plan we needed to add characters, setting, solution and the problem. Then in slide 3 we needed to write our own story. We needed to make up our own problem and the solution.

It was easy it was really fun.

Here is my final work:

Writing Week 6 term 3 Problem Where The Wild Things Are

WALT: share thoughts, feelings and ideas with clarity.

Hi bloggers,

Today we did the problem about Where The wid things.We were  learning speachmarks are we needed to chose what problem we wanted to do the  problem 1 was Max was mischeivous and so his mother sent him to his bedroom. Problem 2 was when he went to the place where the wild things are, he became lonely and dreamt home. I chose problem one. First we needed to do a plan from our book saying what would they say in a conversation then we needed to write a conversation in our book. We were learning speachmarks

Here is my conversation work:

” Hey, Who are you? “said the wild things staring at Max.

” Hey, Who are you? “said the wild things staring at Max.

” Oh hi, I am Max. I came here because I got sent off to my bedroom and I also wanted to find somebody who loved me,” said Max.

” You look small and don’t  look like a Wild things,” said the wild things. 

“ PLEASE can I stay,” Said Max. 

“ Okay but only one day,” Said the wild things.

“YAYYY,” Said Max. 

“ Do you want to be the King for one day?”, Said the Wild Things.

“Yes, “ Said Max. 


Basketball Skills

Hi bloggers

On Friday year 5 and 6 went to winter sport so for year 3 we did Basketball skills with Miss Lee and amazing Edele teaching us about Basketball skills. The first activity was dribbling the ball. My partner was Ray we took turns dribbling the ball 10 times using our confident hand and non-confident hand. We also had a go at dribbling the ball behind our backs. At the end we lined up in two groups we needed to dribble the ball towards the basketball hoop and then we needed to shoot the ball to the hoop.


Today was the final year 4 PE with Miss Lee, Miss prately and Amazing Adele. We did a paper, scissors, Rock. The RULES were we needed to dribble it with the ball  if we went to the half line we needed to do paper, scissors, Rock but if you lose you need to go to the back of the line and passed the ball to the other person in the line we needed to repeat it untiol Miss Lee whistled. It was in house groups but it was girls vs boys. At the end miss Lee got to see who won for the Skyhawk, mustang,  kittyhawk and harvad For me I won.

DESCRIPTION: for PE it was really fun I liked the game that Miss Lee chose.All of them was easy but it was fun I really liked when we lined up and did some shoots.

Pattern and Algebra wk 5

WALT: Finding sequences of multiples on the 100 square.

Hello bloggers,
In Math today we were learning about patterns. We got to go to Numicon interactive whiteboard and get a 100 square board we were skip counting in 2,3, and 4. I have learnt about two patterns one was just going straight. for skip counting in 2 and the other one is like a diagonal for skip counting in 3. After that we needed to do it backwards. And then we needed to make a copy of goggle drawing and then we needed to screenshot our work and then we needed to put it to the goggle drawing.

It was really fun it was easy.

Here is my final work:

Writing Week 4 Term 3

WALT: Use suitable words and phrases in our writing.

Hi bloggers,

In reading we were describing the wild things. We needed to do a plan how they feel inside and how they look like outside. Then we needed to write sentences writing 3 sentences inside and writing  3 sentences outside copying from the plan. Then we needed to write a paragraph like a interview. But we need to copy the sentences from the plan.

Here is my paragraph that I wrote:

Hello everybody I am the reporter this story herald. Welcome Max he is gouing to talk about the wild things ( eagle). Hello everybody I am going to talk about the wild things (eagle) first when I went to the island I sawed these wild, and Humongus eagle  They wre staring at me scaredly there eyes were glowing yellow . Max is going to describe The wild eagle. The wild eagle has massive furry wild wings

. The wild eagle has furry feathures. The wild eagle has sharp horns and spiky claws. The wild eagle is feeling confident and brave. the wild things laghing crazy. The wild things swinging crazy like a monkey.

(unfinished pargraph)



Reading Week 4 Term 3

WALT: summarise text; including sequence of main ideas.

Hi bloggers,

In reading I chose the book called the tears of the Albatrosses this story is about 2 Albartrosses got trap from a cave by a person and then the twins save them. In create task 1 we needed to do the same create task as week 3. We needed to copy a slide and then we needed to write like what is the problem in this story, what is the steps to the solution, what is the solution, and would you solve the same way. In create task 2 we needed to do the same thing as week 3 aswell  we needed to make a popplet using the complementary and the challenge text. And we needed to include the solution and the problem.

it was easy I really liked the create tasks.

Here is my final work:


Writing Week 3 Term

WALT: identify the structure of a narritive.

Hi bloggers,

In writing we was writing about a story called where the wild things are. We needed to do the plan from a paper we needed to fill out each boxes. We needed to write 5 senses like taste, smell, sound and look . After that we needed to write a sentance. We needed to write 10 facts for each senses like Look, sound , taste, and smell. After that we needed to get five facts from the 10 facts and then edit to a Alliteration or a Simle. Then we needed to copy a slide and then we needed to write a paragraph

it was really fun. It was easy.

Here is my final work:



Reading week 3 Term 3

WALT: summarise text; including sequence of main ideas.

Hi bloggers,

In reading I chose the book called the stowaway this story was about a cat that was chasing a mouse and then the mouse went to the container and then the cat went to the container aswell and then the cat whent missing and at the end they find there owner. In creat task 1 we needed  to copy a slide and identify the problem in our narritive story. We needed to fill out each boxes like what was the problem, solution, the steps of the solution, and would you solve the same way. I said no because if I was the owner I should straight away call the police. And create task 2 was creating a popplet using information from your complementary, scaffolding and challenge text. and we needed to include the problem and the solution.

it was really fun. It was easy.

Here is my final work: