week 9 Matariki comic

WALT use our prior Knowledge to make connections with the text

Hi bloggers,

In readng week 9 we only had one create task because at monday up to wedesday we did must dos so thats why we only had 1 create task. We only  go to do reading only at thursday and friday. Reading was about Matariki feast we watched videos I watched how to make a sandwich in space and how to run in space I chose how to run in space because there isn´t Gravity in space so I was intrested. After that we got to do our own comic ( called Pixton) about Matariki feast in their honour.

Here is my final work:

Week 9 Korean information report

WALT write an information report on a country of our choice

Hello bloggers,

In writing we made our own country information report I chose korea. First we had to write notes about our country that we chose. After that that we write our information report plan  for Landmarks, Important moments in history, Food, Culture, and Location – Where in world. After that we write our Example/ Elaboration and topic sentence.  secoundly we write our intro (introduction) and conclusion in our information report plan. Lastly we got to do brochure copying it at  information report plan.

Here is my final work:

Add a heading by Abby Kim