PB4L Pokemon Week 10 Term 2

WALT: identify our emotions and label our triggers and toolbox solution

Hi bloggers,

In PB4L we was learning about zones. First we made a copy of the pokemon slides. Secoundly there was a link to find a pokemons and then we needed to put the pokemon name in  goggle then we needed to screenshot it. Then you might use Remove Bg to remove the backround. After you needed to insert into your slids we needed to write triggers and emotions and what powers do they have like fire in red zone , water in  blue zone, eletric for yellow zones and forest for green zone. And we needed to write the weakness, Resistance and Retreat cost. I think it was easy but it taked long to finish.

Here is my final work:


Monster cybersmart

Hi bloggers,

In C we learnt about creating you own monster. First we went to Blocky and then we started to make our own monster. We needed to work our why to the end. Their was information we needed to read the information and work how it works. Each time if you finish a slide you needed to press run and mark mark is cheeking it if its right and run is showing it how it looks like. It was mostly easy and some of them was hard I really enjoyed it it was fun.

Week 10 Endagerd animal African Wild Dog

Hi bloggers,

in inquiry we got to chose our own animal I chose African wild dog. First we got to do a endangerd slides answeing  the  questions. I learnt about that African wild dogs max speed is 44mph. I think I was good at the first slide it was easy and I was confident at the first slide I learnt about there scientific name and the height and the weight. It was mostly easy some of them was kind of hard.

Here is my final work:

WALT identify what conversation is and why is it important

Secoundly we did DlO that means you can use any object like pixton, canva video, brochure, and animaker. I chose canva video because I like making videos. First I added the title and then iIwrite some facts about African Wild Dog. It was easy, I thought it will take long but it didnt it taked only 20 minutes.

Here is my final work

African Wild Dog by Abby Kim

week 9 Matariki comic

WALT use our prior Knowledge to make connections with the text

Hi bloggers,

In readng week 9 we only had one create task because at monday up to wedesday we did must dos so thats why we only had 1 create task. We only  go to do reading only at thursday and friday. Reading was about Matariki feast we watched videos I watched how to make a sandwich in space and how to run in space I chose how to run in space because there isn´t Gravity in space so I was intrested. After that we got to do our own comic ( called Pixton) about Matariki feast in their honour.

Here is my final work:

Week 9 Korean information report

WALT write an information report on a country of our choice

Hello bloggers,

In writing we made our own country information report I chose korea. First we had to write notes about our country that we chose. After that that we write our information report plan  for Landmarks, Important moments in history, Food, Culture, and Location – Where in world. After that we write our Example/ Elaboration and topic sentence.  secoundly we write our intro (introduction) and conclusion in our information report plan. Lastly we got to do brochure copying it at  information report plan.

Here is my final work:

Add a heading by Abby Kim


Abbys Jaguar information report

Hi bloggers,

In writing we did uor own infomation report we got to choose our own animal a choosed jaguars. We was writing about Habitat, Phisical Description, Eating/ Food, Life cycle/ babies/ life exectancy, Predartor/ Environment danger. After we done all of those we did our introduction at the beggining/ top and the conclusion at the bottom/ end.

Here is my final work:

Create Task – Week 7 Reading

WALT: summarise information by identtifying the key words in a text

Hi bloggers

Today for Reading we have 8 book choices. This week I chose to read Return ticket please.
Just like normal we have 2 create tasks like Design you planet and Google drawing. For this week we have the same 2 create tasks just like last week.The 1st one was doing a google drawing writing facts about each planet.We got to make our own planet.

here is the final work

We had two create task 1 so the 2 one was making you  own planet. We got to make our own  planet name the secound slide  was writing facts about each planet the third slide was making your own temperature, sunlight, gravity, landscape and surface, the weather, and the atmosphere. The final slide was drawing your planet or insret it, and putting other planets to support your planet.

here is my final work:

Create task 2 was making a Flip. recording yourself saying how much it will cost, why would you go thier and the last one was what can you do their. It was very fun makinga Flip. It was a lot easy then last time because it was way  more comfortable than last week.

here is my final work: