Summer learning journy WK10T4

Hi bloggers,

It is the last week of school! Anyways, In Summer learning journy this week we are actually doing it and last week we were practising for this week. Each day the summer learning activitie always come out a new activitie. My summer learning activitie was making a comic strip. The comic strip needed to be about the beach but  you can do whatever you want at the beach. First we needed to listen one video then we needed to copy a template and work on the strip. If you got stuck you can watch the video it is about how to make a pixton and how you do it. My pixton was about a kid with her dad at the beach and they get taco for lunch but then a seagull comes and snatch the taco but the dad snatch it off and the kid get her taco at the end.

Here is my final work:

swimming work WK9 T4

Hi bloggers,

We are going to swimming this week again we are having create tasks like reading, writng, summer learning journy, and Maths. I chose writing for my first create task and my 2 create task was reading  my last create task is summer learning journy ( we needed to do 3 create task ). This week it was a practise and the last week it will begin for the summer learnng journy. In the summer learning journy we needed to chose a super hero at craiyon then we needed to describe how the the super hero looks like. ( at the bottom I described the superhero )

Here is my picture:


  • strong
  •  has a sword on her hand
  • red cape
  • Blue cloths
  • pink hair
  • Blue mask
  • My superhero is special about is Flying and lightning eyes

Swimming work WK9 T4

Hi bloggers,

this  week we are swimming agein aswell so the create task was reading, writing, summer learning journy, and maths. We needed to finish 3 create task for a week, My create task choice was writing at the 1 create task and then my 2 create is reading I didnt work on my 3 create task but after this I will. In reading it was about fish and chips. First we needed to make a copy of a slide and then we needed to read a sheet, fill out the questions like what are fish and chips usually wrapped in, why do you think fish and chips shops offer more than just fish and fish and chips now, and in the early 1970s, what led to the decline in the popularity of fidh and chips,  then we needed to go to canva and make a poster then we needed to upload it to the slide, and the final thing was we needed to write if you agree with the statement nd if you dont agree with the statement and some of the questions.


Here is my final work:

Swimming WK9 T4

Hi bloggers,

We are going to swimming at week 9 aswell so thats why we are having create tasks the choices was Writing, Reading, summer learning journy, and maths. I chose writing we needed to do 3 create task in a week. In writing we needed o do a teacher report. First we needed to make a copy of a slide and then we neededd to fill out the boxes like the teacher photo, The name of the teacher, class/year, Written by, the grade of the teacher, about the teacher, strengths, improvement, behaviour status, and the date. I chose Miss hanrahan for my teacher report.


DESCRIPTION: It was really fun because usally teachers do the report for us but we did the report for the teacher s so it was really fun.

Here is my final work:


Swimming work W8 T4

Hi bloggers,

We are having create tasks because this week and week 9  we went to swimming at kings swim school. There was A choice of the create tasks like, Math, PB4L, cybersmart, writing, and reading we needed to finish 3 create task so this is my last create task my create task choice was reading. In reading we go to copy a slide and fill out the questions like, desighn your own school, How many student will be in 1 classroom, what subjets would be taught, What year would it be up to, what funitures will be there, the rules, and then we needed to draw the uniforms.

Description: it was fun I liked the uniform and the school.

Here is my final work:

PB4L W8 T4

Hi bloggers,

In week 8 and week 9 we go to do swimming  so thats why we are having create tasks. We needed to do 3 create tasks so this is my secound create tasks. The create task choice was Math, PB4L, reading, Writing, and Cybersmart I chosed PB4L. In PB4L I learned about Empathy first we needed to watch a video about empthy. Then we needed to copy a y-chart then we needed to fill out the questions about how does empathy Feels like, Look like, and sounds like.

Here is my empathy chart:

Math W8 T4

Hi bloggers,

We had create tasks because we did swimming lessons this week and week 9. The create task choices was Math, Writing, Reading, Cybersmart, and PB4L I chose Math. In Math we learned about tessellation. First we needed to watch a video about tessellation. And then we needed to create tessellation that works and that doesent works. A tessellation is a shape, it must be able exactly surround a point, or the sum of the angels. The one that is not a tesselation is the the one with triangles and square and yuo cant used 2 shapes and a tesselation is where we use only  use one shape.

Here is my final work:

This is the right tessellation.

and this is the wrong tessellation.

Math W7 T4

WALT: Realating money to hundreds, tens, and ones.

Hello bloggers,

In Math were learning about money. First we got to go to the IWB (Interactive witheboard) Miss hanarhan writed some price tags and then we got to put the price and then the money.

Description: it was fun.

Here is my final work:

Cybersmart W7 T4

Hello bloggers,

In cybersmart we needed to do escape rooms we had a choice if you wanted to do a among us, Mincraft, inside out escape room, personalised escape room, trolls math escape room, peter pan escape room, and finding nemo escape room. I chosed among us. First we needed to make a copy of the slides that you wanted then we needed to fill out the boxes with questions. Secoundly we needed to put the sound when you get wrong or right, my sound was clapping for right and aww for wrong. When we tryed it first it didnt work but then we keeped trying it did worked.

Description: it was hard lots of work but fun.

Here is my among us work:

Reading Wk7 T4

WALT: show a develop1ing understanding of ideas across text.

Hello bloggers,

In reading I chose the book called look listen swim, It is about 3 kids who learnt how to swim with there papa there papa teaches them. First they stretch their arms on the concrete. Then one of the kids say why are we not practicing in the water and then papa says because you need to learn how to swim first and then you can go in the water. Later on that day they finally practice. Then the kids finally learn how to swim now. In create task 1 we needed to do the same create task as last week summerising the journal that you had pick. In create task 2 we needed to record ourself in the canva video after we record ourself we needed to check if it sound fluently and using expression and punctuation. In create rask 3 we needed to make a pixton we needed to chose 3 water safty rules showing sombody breaking the rules. We had a choice that if you want to do the river rule, the beach rule and the swimmming pool rule.

Sorry I didnt quite finish the pixton so if I do finish the pixton I will promiss that I will update it.

description: It was really fun I like summerising and the canva video was fun aswell.

Here is my summary:

Here is my Canva video: